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1755 - 1756

The First Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono and The Construction of Keraton Yogyakarta


After Prince Mangkubumi was crowned as the first Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono as the ruler of Sunanate Yogyakarta, he decided to build a royal palace by his own desire. Sultan Hamengkubuwono I was the architect of the Keraton Surakarta. His residence in Jogjakarta was his private residence; the design was an application of his philosophies


Keraton was built on forest, the concept was adapted the Hinduism belief which communicates the relation between God with all of his creation. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I believe that our level as human is the same with other living creature. Therefore, it is important to treat the others equally as God sees us all the same way. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono was also a Muslim. He added philosophies of Islam into the royal palace. 



Sri Sultan Hamengkubowo I Facts:

  • Had wives in total of 25

  • The total of his children is 32

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I

Original Name: Bendara Raden Mas Sujono/ Prince Mangkubumi


Date of Birth: 7 August 1717


Crowned: 13 February 1755


Died: 24 March 1792

About Keraton

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IV

Original Name: Gusti Raden Mas Ibnu Jarot


Date of Birth: 3 April 1804


Crowned: 10 November 1814


Died: 6 December 1823


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IV Facts:

  • Had wives in total of 9

  • The total of his children is 18

  • The first son was died when he was 108 days old


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono V

Original Name: Gusti Raden Mas Gathot Menol


Date of Birth: 24 January 1820


Crowned: 19 December 1823


Died: 5 June 1855


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono V Facts:

  • He was crowned when he was 3 years old, he was then accompanied by his Uncle to run the Sultanate

  • Had wives in total of 5

  • The total of his children is 9

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI

Original Name: Gusti Raden Mas Mustojo


Date of Birth: 10 August 1821


Crowned: 5 July 1855


Died: 20 July 1877


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI Facts:

  • Had wives in total of 10

  • The total of his children is 23

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII

Original Name: Gusti Raden Mas Murtejo


Date of Birth: 4 February 1839


Crowned: 13 August 1877


Died: 30 December 1921


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII Facts:

  • Had wives in total of 28

  • The total of his children is 78

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX

Original Name: Gusti Raden Mas Dorojatun


Date of Birth: 12 April 1912


Crowned: 18 March 1940


Died: 3 October 1988

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X

Original Name: Bendara Raden Mas Herjuno Darpito


Date of Birth: 2 April 1946


Crowned: 7 March 1989 - present

1921 - 1939

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII, the Father of New Development


The era of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII was known as the era of new development. This was known based on the new added elements at Keraton Yogyakarta by on the 20th Century. He implemented many of his designs with the use of symbols that has the components of 8 (eight). The elements that were designed by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII are also shown in the section of                                                                                .


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII's contributions to Keraton Yogyakarta were significant. According to the history, the era of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII was the time when the Dutch East Indies was trying to take to the whole Yogyakarta for their own purpose, by built fort with missiles that were aiming to Keraton Yogyakarta. However, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII was smart enough to manipulate them and develop the royal palace using the social funding so that the Dutch East Indies could not take it.


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII Facts:

  • Had wives in total of 8

  • The total of his children is 41



Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono III

Original Name: Gusti Raden Mas Surojo


Date of Birth: 20 February 1769


Crowned: 12 June 1812


Died: 3 November 1814


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono III Facts:

  • Had wives in total of 25

  • The total of his children is 32

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono II

Original Name: Gusti Raden Mas Sundoro


Date of Birth: 7 March 1750


Crowned: 2 April 1792


Died: 3 January 1828


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono II Facts:

  • Had wives in total of 28

  • The total of his children is 80

1940 - 1988

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the One Who Experienced 5 Periods


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX was named as the phenomenal Sultan of Keraton Yogyakarta. He experienced the 5 Periods: 1) The time when Dutch East Indies were invading Indonesia, 2) The British Occupation and the Java War, 3) Japanese Occupation in Indonesia, 4) The revolution period when Indonesia fought to reach their independence, 5) The time when Indonesia proclaimed themselves as an independent country in 1945.


Under the authority of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Keraton Yogyakarta then decided to be a part of Republic of Indonesia. Keraton Yogyakarta was very significant to Indonesia at that time, chosen as the location for the coronation of the first Indonesian President in 1945. Hamengkubuwono IX was also officiated as the second Vise-President of Indonesian between 1973 - 1978. 


He went to Leiden, Netherlands and pursued his study. His father (Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII) sent him there in order to learn the true education and meet the real 'Dutch People' with the hope that Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX will return home and could finally be free from the Dutch East Indies. 


Because of his magnificent achievements during his reign, he held the title of  "Ngarsa Dalem Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kangjeng Sultan Hamengkubuwana Senapati-ing-Ngalaga Abdurrahman Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah ingkang Jumeneng Kaping Sanga ing Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat". There is also a museum dedicated to Sri Sultan Hamengkubowono IX in order to remember his contributions for Keraton Yogyakarta and also Indonesia. 



The Hamengkubuwono 9 museum was built because to commemorate the sultan’s tremendous efforts of uniting the Kraton with Indonesia. The construction of the museum was initiated by Jogjakarta local authorities with Murwanto/ Tri Martini. 


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX Facts:

  • had wives in total of 5

  • The total of his children is 22



1746 - 1749: Conflict Between Brothers


The birth of Keraton begun with the battle of Prince Mangkubumi to win back the Mataram Kingdom that has been surrendered by his step brother, Prince Pakubuwono II to the Dutch Colony, with personal interest. The two brother were in the same Kingdom of Mataram. The Mataram Kingdom was originally concluded both the city of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo).


It took more or less 9 years for Sultan Hamengkubuwono I to restore the Mataram dynasty that was temporarily handed by his older brother, Sunan Pakubuwono 2nd to the Dutch East Indies.



Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, who then went by the name Raden Mas Sujono, went to Sukowati



On December 1749, Raden Mas Sujono was crowned as the first sultan of Sunan Kabanaran.


The reason Pakubuwono 2nd gave their land to the Dutch East Indies was to reassure that his heir will become sultan. On December 15 1749, the Dutch East Indies crowned Pakubuwono the 3rd as the succcessor to balance the recently crowned Pakubuwono I.


Pakubuwono 2nd died in December 20, 1749.





1755: The Giyanti Agreement & the Birth of Keraton Yogyakarta


With all the conflict and tension between the two Keraton of Yogyakarta and Surakata, the Dutch colony then tried to separate the two Kingdom with the "Giyanti Agreement" which stated that the Mataram Kingdom will be divided in two regions, the Sultanate of Surakarta which will be ruled under the authority of Prince Pakubuwono II, and the Sultanate of Yogyakarta under the authority of Prince Mangkubumi. Prince Mangkubumi then later became the first Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono, the first "Sultan" (ruler) of Keraton Yogyakarta. 

1986 - Present

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, The Current Sultan


Nowadays, the family tree of Sultan Hamengkubuwono is currently hold by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono the 10th. He is also officiate as a Governor of Yogyakarta, from 1998 until present. 


One of the events that is still debatable in the area of Keraton Yogyakarta is the problem regarding to the next successor of Hamengkubuwono, as Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono does not have a Son.



Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X Facts:

  • He has one wife

  • The total of his daughters is 5

  • Therefore, he does not have a Son who could possibly his successor. Because of this matter, there are still some discussions about the controversial news of having his daugther as the successor. Read more on 

1792 - 1921: The Successors of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono


Two centuries following the reign of the First Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono was considered as the era of stabilisation. No significant changes were made during that time. Keraton Yogyakarta was still in good condition, with the system that was built by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono 1 and continued since. Each successors had their own contributions and stories behind them.



Abdi Dalems are dedicated to be able to continue and preserve the culture and history of the palace . Reflected their desire to serve in the palace, although they are not well paid. They are not seeking for money and materials, but for peace and quiet of living world and the hereafter as they know that the Sultan regarded as eternal and absolute and they also understand the goodness of Sultans are always fighting for his people.


The Abdi Dalems are Ksatrian (for the Men) and Keputren (for Women). All of the Royal Servants have their level, depending on their role for Keraton Yogyakarta

Abdi Dalem, the Royal Servants

How Important the Keraton Yogyakarta to People

The Significance

Video Courtesy of Grace Franita

The Royal Servants: I Serve My Life For Keraton

Keraton Yogyakarta's Contribution to Indonesia


The Coronation of Indonesia's first President at Keraton Yogyakarta

The significance of Keraton Yogyakarta for Indonesia was reinforced by its role as the location for the coronation of Indonesia's first president back in 1945. Sithinggil Bangsal is considered to be one of the key elements in Keraton Yogyakarta which has already been used as Sultan's point since the era of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. 


Read more about Sithinggil 

"As the great-grand daughter of the Prawira (corp of Keraton), my whole life I was treated differently. My great-grandfather once a Soldier, he fought for Keraton Ngayogyakarta, worked hard and eventually held the title as the Abdi Dalem (the Royal Servant). Once you reached that title, you know everything that you do in life must carry the tradition from Keraton. Every step that you take must be considered carefully as you carry on the name of 'Keraton' with your whole life..."

Mrs. Indarastuti Pranowo - Locals/ Owner of Wisma Gajah Guest House/ Grand-daughter of Corp of Keraton Yogyakarta.


Dr. Laretna T. Adishakti - Lecturer and Coordinator for Center of Heritage Conservation, Department of Architecture & Planning, Faculty of Engineering University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. 

"Talking about the developments of the Keraton Yogyakarta, through it's influence from the Dutch, China, the English also has produced their own works that makes the Keraton Yogyakarta, different from the rest. Especially when we speak of the revolutionary period, when Indonesia won its independence and were free from the Dutch. All these elements play an essential role. Yogyakarta, is also the pioneer of education, that brought out Muhamadiyah, Taman Siswam and the Gajah Mada University. The Keraton has a strong bond with the people of Yogyakarta, especially its youth. Also the Keratons essential role in arts."

What They Say About Keraton Yogyakarta?

Keraton originally means as the place for the ratu (queens) to stay, derived from the words: ka + ratu + an = keraton. It can also be translated as a palace. Keraton is a palace that encompases several aspects; religious, philosophy, and also cultural. It is rich with hidden meanings and significance, which is important not just for internal community but also for the development of the city of Yogyakarta. Whilst the name of Ngayogyakarta was taken from the area of Yogyakarta, with more comprehensive meaning of Yogya (Goodness) + Karta (Properous) and also Ngayu (Goodness) + Bagya (Happiness) + Karya (Inovative). 


The elements of Keraton consists of its ornaments, buildings, decorations, also the colors and plants have their own meaning in its placement. All of their meanings seem to encourage the importance of doing good deeds in the world and their deeds will carry on until the life after death. The philosophy, which is mostly adapted from Islam and influenced by Hinduism, is still progressing now.



The Significance
The Batlle Between Prince Mangkubumi with the Dutch Colony.

Video Courtesy of Rony Baskoro Lukito

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